We provide two (2) ways of Pprotection; these are are Covert and overtly. Covert protection stands for undetected security services - our Operatives apply protective surveillance and initiate clandestine actions. Overt protection stands for visible security services; this is where operatives employ "traditional" (arm's reach) protection and foot formation. However, we also employ low profile protection which is a discreet method of providing personal security. Regardles of the Projection aspect (Covert or overt mode), executive protection agents keep a low profile to blend in an operational environment when attending to a client. By doing this way they are more effective since threats can be recognized timely (before eventuate) and resolve incidents, promptly (before escalation). Low propile security also offers more privacy for clients since it is unobtrusive (not too noticeable) and inconspicuous (not appear unusual).

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